The Story of Little Jiffy slab roller

      Hi,  my name is Pat King

I have been a potter for many years

and always wanted a slab roller but

didn't feel I could afford one since

I'm not a professional.  I did some

research on You Tube to see how

others made them.  After some

experimentation I was able to

 simplify one down for myself.  It

worked great and my friends had me

make some for them.   Then they said

 I should sell them.   I made a

baby slab roller and everyone loved

that one too.

      I named them Little Jiffy and do at

least a couple workshops every

week with the Little Jiffies--they are

very portable.  Some potters have

large slab rollers in their studios but

use Little Jiffies when they need a

portable slab roller for workshops.

    And now--Yipee!!!

you can take your rolling pin back to

the kitchen.  Little Jiffy makes rolling

slabs quick and easy.

If you have any questions, email me at:

                 Contact us at:

The  Mini Jiffy inside dimensions are  10"x18" it sells for $75 plus $45 shipping.   It also comes with three shims and a set of canvas.

Little  Jiffy slab roller works great and is less expensive than a used slab roller.

Little Jiffy has wood rails and comes in two sizes.  The larger Jiffy's inside dimensions are 16 inches wide and 28 inches long.  It comes with stitched edge canvas and three shims for fast easy slab thickness adjustment.  It sells for $125 and $50 packaging and shipping.

Little Jiffy slab roller

At $125 you can afford this slab roller


Going on vacation. No orders shipped in August.